For this assignment I wanted to use audio from something that wasn't simply an interview or a speech about motivation. In general, the concept of doing a text dialogue relating to a more single-sided commentary, and a focus on a pretty basic idea such as motivation and perseverance is not interesting for me. Thus, my current sample I plan on working with is an excerpt from the album How To Speak Hip by Del Close & John Brent, specifically the first 30-45 seconds of "B2 - Cool" I mostly wanted to look into this album because I remembered it initially from the world of song sampling (and if you are in the mood of something to listen to, its humor holds up pretty well today still), but I take interest into the specific except, "Mr. Romo, I must admit that I'm puzzled. You hipsters claim to be such relaxed, free spirits, yet your rules for social behavior are even more set tight and rigid than those of square society." "Yes, uh... a-a lot of the simpl...